PHOTOGRAPHY SKILLS NIGHT: “Portraits 101” • Thurs, APRIL 10, 7-9PM • The Library Center Auditorium, 4653 S Campbell Ave in Springfield, Missouri

"PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHY 101" • Learn the basics of lighting and subject positioning during this beginners' level portrait training session. Bring your camera and tripod. We will provide lighting and subjects for some practical experience with creating portraits.

Visitors are always welcome at no charge. See you on the 10th!

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• 2nd Quarter Competition entries are due by midnight, April 10th. See MEMBERS ONLY section of this website for full instructions.

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VISITORS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME, no charge. We look forward to seeing you the 10th!

INTERESTED IN CLUB MEMBERSHIP? Join at an in-person meeting (cash or check), online (PayPal), or by mail. See membership details: